UOTW #77

46 yo f presents with LLE pain. On physical exam you note an area of redness on the lateral aspect of the thigh. Ultrasound demonstrates the following image. What is the appropriate management of the patient?

UOTW #76

A 45 year old male presents with shortness of breath following a right rotator cuff repair surgery. These scans were obtained at the mid axillary line at the level of T4.

UOTW #75

This patient is a 31 year old female with a history of AIDS who presents with shortness of breath, cough and fever. Vitals: 120/80 95 19 102.5 91%RA.

UOTW #74

This is a 50 year old female who presents with sudden onset retrosternal chest pain that began just after she heard of her sister’s death. Pain has been continuous for 2 hours, it is a dull ache. Vitals stable. Initial and 2 hour ECGs/troponins are shown, along with a bedside echocardiogram.

UOTW #73

A 65 year old male presents to emergency department with a one week history of nausea and lethargy. He reports having consulted his GP early into his symptoms, for which he was given a course of antibiotics. He reports that his symptoms have not improved. The emergency physician sends blood work and the patient’s creatinine […]