UOTW #77

46 yo f presents with LLE pain. On physical exam you note an area of redness on the lateral aspect of the thigh. Ultrasound demonstrates the following image. What is the appropriate management of the patient?

UOTW #76

A 45 year old male presents with shortness of breath following a right rotator cuff repair surgery. These scans were obtained at the mid axillary line at the level of T4.

UOTW #67

27 year old female brought in by ambulance after a high speed MVC. Vitals show a BP of 80 systolic and a heart rate of 140. There is evidence of significant chest trauma. Abdominal FAST is negative for free fluid. A subcostal view shows the following image:

UOTW #63

78 yo female presents with an ankle injury that was sustained after a fall from standing. The patient has a history of severe pulmonary hypertension and CHF and is on 4L of nasal oxygen at all times. Orthopedics is requesting a sedation for reduction, but you are reluctant to perform this in the ED due to her […]

UOTW #60

37 yo female presents with complaints of increasing generalized malaise over the past 2 weeks as well as a fever and nausea. She endorses a history of intravenous drug use (IVDU). On physical exam, you appreciate a faint systolic murmur. Before any lab tests or other imaging have been done, you obtain the following echo: