UOTW #62

This patient is a 56 year old male smoker who presents with sudden onset of left sided chest pain and shortness of breath.

UOTW #48

The patient is a 56 year old man who was brought in via EMS for severe respiratory distress. He is sitting straight up in bed, tripoding, diaphoretic with dinner plate eyes. The patient is able to convey that he thinks he might die. He was given one albuterol/atrovent nebulizer per EMS without relief. The patient […]

UOTW #34

67 yo nursing home patient presents with altered mental status. Vitals signs are as follows: BP 92/78, HR: 115, RR: 35, O2 sat: 89%. Patient is moaning and uncooperative with the physical exam. On auscultation, you are unable to appreciate any overt lobular rales or wheezing. You think you feel a distended bladder in the […]

UOTW #28

A 13 year old male who moved to the States from South America 8 months ago presents with malaise, fever and a productive cough for the past month. Symptoms have been slowly progressing in intensity.  Thoracic scans were performed.


This is an 34 y/o male smoker who presents with 4 hours of sharp right sided chest pain, worse with deep inspiration. Vitals normal.